How to Submit You Report Articles

Welcome to Guardian YOU Report!!!

Click here to register your FREE users account. Once your account is confirmed via email, you will be able to post articles and images to the You Report Section. To publish articles, first login using your Username and Password to access the Members Area.


You can now take part in the news.

Your voice, together with other You Report followers, helps others to let their voice be heard.

If you want to report on something that you feel is important and should be published.

You Report section of the website have been divided to three categories:

  • You Report Lagos – section for Lagos reports
  • You Report Nigeria – section for national reports
  • You Report World – section for global reports

When Publishing your report, please ensure you select You Report from the drop-down Section menu, followed by the required category.

PLEASE BE AWARE: You Report is a way for you to report the news. The stories in this section are not edited, fact-checked but are screened before they go live.



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