Ahmadiyya tasks incoming government on good governance, welfare, security

Missionary-in-charge, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Nigeria, Maulvi Adnan (left); Amir (Head) Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Nigeria, Alhaji Alatoye Azeez Folorunso, Medical Director, Ahmadiyya Hospital Ojokoro, Dr. Semiullah, Head Elders Group, Engineer Adeoye and Head of Rakeeb Press, Ahmadiyya Press, Sadr Ansarullah at a press conference in Lagos

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Nigeria has called on the incoming government to focus on good governance, welfare and security of all Nigerians irrespective of political affiliations, tribe, religion or class.

The Amir (National Head) of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, at a press conference in Lagos, said the incoming leaders should deliver on their duties of trust and competence to the satisfaction of Allah (GOD), saying governance is about accountability to God and people.

He called on those elected or to appointed to remember that they are accountable to Allah (God), urging them to be extremely careful and cry to Allah day and night on how they should not fail in their accountability and end up in hell.

He said: “The election has come and gone. It is now important to avoid all negativities such as call for subversion of the concluded processes or interim government or any form of rebellion or insurrection.

“Any unlawful take over is an act of evil. It is an ill wind that will blow no one any good. Let all the leaders and the lead focus on the act of governance and leave every other thing in the hands of Allah to whom all are forcefully accountable and on human side to the tribunals and courts that are saddled with that responsibility.

“The judges are also accountable to Allah, the Almighty God. I am by no means saying anyone should not pursue his or her rights,” he said.

He enjoined Nigerians to now focus now good governance, transparency, and accountability, while priority should be given to trustworthiness and competence.

“Electorate are to focus on these qualities of the candidates and nothing else. Tribalism, nepotism and religious bigotry, racial discrimination is all alien to rules of Allah as taught in the Holy Qur’an. Rebellion, gangsterism, forceful imposition in the act of selecting a leader is alien to the teachings of Islam,” he said.

He urged all the elected leaders and the led to always reflect upon the declaration of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) that: “The best of your leaders are those whom you love and who love you, and who invoke Allah’s blessings upon you and you invoke His blessings upon them. And the worst of your leaders are those whom you hate and they hate you, and whom you curse and they curse you,” (Sahih Muslim).

Alatoye declared that it is wrong for elected or appointed people to use power to convert the land, positions, money, or any other resources entrusted to them for their personal use.

“They will be building their hell rather than paradise with that. Their reward is in the correct application of the resources without taking a dime that does not belong to them,” he said.

He said the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at and its members are concerned and assure the political leaders of our continued support and prayers for the administration at all levels, as well as our commitment to discharging our civic responsibilities to the country in most peaceful manner.


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