Aigbotsua, Mimgba win Ikeja Club’s Valentine tourney


AUSTIN Aigbotsua and Juliet Mimgba on Wednesday came tops in the men and ladies net categories respectively of the 15th First Bank Valentine tournament, which came to a thrilling end at the Ikeja Golf Club.. 

  To come top in the men’s event, Aigbotsua netted a score of 69, while the big hitting Mimgba shot a score of 64-net to emerge the best lady golfer in the competition. 

 Also in hunt for the tournament top prize was Chris Obije. He came second in the men’s net category, while Chris Erhagbe completed the top three in the men’s net category. 

  Golf course designer, Muyideen Olaitan, won the gross category for men, while Alaba Adetunji won the prize staked for women in the gross category. 

  Excited by the turn out for the competition, Bola Cusworth thanked all golfers, who took part in the competition, saying she would continue to ensure that the completion remained a regular feature in the Nigeria golf calendar. She added, however, that the tournament owed its success to the support she enjoyed from First Bank and the golfers, who usually turned out for the completion since its debut. 

 This year’s event was organized by Cusworth, the founder of the competition, the host lady captain, Dr. Veronica Chaka-Awatai, and Chinyere Alamu. 


