Ajipe urges FG to supervise infrastructure, support fund implementation

In a compelling letter addressed to President Bola Tinubu, the Southwest Zonal Director of the Social and Humanitarian Directorate of APC-PCC, Chief Alexander Ajipe, has emphasized the importance of the federal government’s involvement in supervising and co-equity financing the Infrastructure Support Fund (ISF).

He expresses concerns over potential decision to surrender the initiative to state governments, advocating for a central role of the federal government in the project’s implementation.

In his letter, Chief Ajipe underscores the significance of the federal government as the custodian of national interests, possessing the necessary resources, expertise, and oversight mechanisms to ensure the successful execution of the ISF. He highlights the need for a unified national vision and consistent infrastructure projects across all states.

Chief Ajipe also emphasizes the federal government’s capability in allocating resources efficiently, considering factors such as population density, economic potential, and regional disparities. He believes this will address the infrastructure deficit and promote balanced development throughout the country.

Furthermore, Chief Ajipe stresses the federal government’s access to technical expertise and knowledge required for effective project planning, execution, and monitoring. He asserts that this expertise can guide state governments in overcoming challenges and ensuring the timely completion of infrastructure projects with the highest standards of quality.

Accountability and transparency are paramount in Chief Ajipe’s proposal. He argues that the federal government’s national mandate equips it to enforce accountability and transparency effectively, preventing mismanagement, corruption, and unnecessary delays in project completion.

In conclusion, Chief Alexander Oluremi Ajipe urges the federal government to retain a central role in the supervision and co-equity financing of the Infrastructure Support Fund. He believes that upholding the principles of passion, dedication, accountability, and transparency throughout the process will ensure the effective implementation of infrastructure projects, meeting the expectations of Nigerians at the grassroots level and delivering development dividends to the people.

The decision on the ISF’s implementation remains a critical matter for the nation’s future, and Chief Ajipe trusts that President Bola Tinubu will prioritize the best interests of the nation and its people in making the final decision.
