The Guardian

Lilian Onianwa

The intersectionality of sexuality in Nigeria

By Lilian Onianwa Many have argued that homosexuality in Nigeria is a Western import, a concept imposed through colonisation and Western influence. However, historical evidence and cultural narratives suggest otherwise. George Olusola
3 days ago

Tanzanian policeman builds own grave

A 59-yea-old has built his own grave in preparation for his death, shocking his Tanzanian village, BBC reported on Tuesday. Patrick Kimaro, from the Kilimanjaro region, said he built the grave because
55 years ago

Government to block Nigerians mercenaries

Nigerians planning to travel to Ukraine to fight against Russian invaders will be prevented from leaving, a Nigerian government official has said. About 115 Nigerians last week volunteered to join the Ukrainian
55 years ago

Tech giant Google is celebrating the life of Nigerian Nigerian educator, ceramicist, glassworker, and potter Ladi Kwali. Kwali is credited with introducing the beauty of Nigerian art through intricately decorated earthenware designs
55 years ago