Bishop Kukah

Bishop Matthew Kukah deserves the nation’s thankfulness for his efforts to halt the obvious drift of our country.

Like prophets of old, he stepped forward to censor the president for his failings which even the blind can see and the deaf hear.

Bishop Kukah spoke to give profit not pleasure. It is the hallmark of love for the President and the country. Love that is true gives benefit, not comfort. Over thousands of years, prophets and priests are known to speak truth to power. It is in line with their duties.

How do you build trust, forge a sense of belonging of the diverse peoples, and construct a harmonious society where there is a feeling of lack of inclusiveness and blatant marginalisation? Where is love? That was the point cerebral Bishop Kukah raised. The President’s apologists who came out with the distribution of employment in the public service state by the state did a poor job of defending the President. Who were these said to have been employed by Buhari Administration? What are their names? What was the date of their appointments? And to where—ministries and agencies? What are their positions and doing what?

Bishop Kukah has not said anything new about the nepotistic mindset of President Buhari to which several notable citizens have not drawn the attention of the nation. Stormy petrel Dr. Junaid Mohammed was the first to draw public attention to the President’s narrow pattern of appointments. Chief Edwin Clarke issued a public statement on the provincialism of the President’s appointments. Professor Ben Nwabueze did the same before Chief Clarke. Former Obasanjo, normally restrained on such matters, could not help feeling concerned and issuing a statement. The alliance of Southern and Middle Belt states has sued the President accusing him of breaching the constitution which makes the application of federal character in all appointments mandatory. On the troubling security, the Sultan has made a pronouncement on it, so has the Northern Elders Forum.

The nation has Bishop Kukah to salute for his courage and consistency.


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