Board records 70 farmers/herdsmen conflicts in Jigawa


Ibrahim told the News Agency of a Nigeria (NAN) on Monday in Dutse, that the cases recorded bordered on encroachment into farms by cattle and farmers appropriation of cattle routes.

The official said that some of the cases were reported to the board by herdsmen umbrella body, the Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria (MACBAN), while others were reported by individuals.

The executive secretary noted that the conflict between farmers and herdsmen was sometimes exacerbated by some of the farmers who deliberately encroach into cattle routes thereby forcing the animals to stray into farms along the route.

Ibrahim said 40 of the cases had been resolved by the board’s technical team after dialogue with representatives of MACBAN, All Farmers Association of Nigeria, farmers/herdsmen committees in villages and village heads of the affected communities.

He said that the board had recruited guards to oversee the 47 grazing reserves across the 27 local governments in the state and report any illegal activity to the board.

The executive secretary advised farmers and herdsmen to live peace as their activities were mutually beneficial to one another.

