Buhari denies nepotism in appointment of security chiefs

President Muhammadu Buhari has stated that all appointments he makes are strictly based on merit and not based on ethnic or regional balance.

Buhari stated this on Thursday during an interview with Arise TV.

The president also said he cannot favour those who have spent shorter years in service over those that have stayed longer.

“People who have been there for 18 years or even for 10 years, they trained in Zaria or in Abeokuta, they come through the ranks,” Buhari said.

“And because they served under all the circumstances, the crises and everything and they gradually rise to that status and you think you just pick somebody just to balance up? These positions have to be earned.”

The president has been criticiced for allegedly appointing more northerners in strategic positions. In the interview, the Nigerian leader said he cannot jettison seniority and merit for balance and federal character.

The Nigerian Constitution states that major appointments and other privileges should be shared in such a way that it reflects Federal Character, that is balanced across the 36 states.

The recent appointment of the Chief of Army Staff, Yahaya Faruk, however, contradicts the claim by the President.

Yahaya was picked over many of his seniors who have more years in service and are now to be forced into retirement. Yahaya is a Northerner like President Buhari.

He was the general officer commanding 1 Division of the Nigerian Army and the incumbent theatre commander of the counter-terrorism, counter-insurgency outfit in the northeast.

About 10 Major-Generals will be retired from the service following the emergence of Yahaya, a member of the 37 Regular Course as the 22nd COAS, as serving members of Regular Course 35, 36 and 37 in the army, airforce and navy may be forced out of service. This is in line with military tradition since the affected Generals cannot serve under a junior officer.

