Caleb varsity appoints Lagos CJ as co-chair law board

Caleb University has appointed the Chief Judge of Lagos State, Justice Kazeem Alogba, as co-chairman board of the institution’s law faculty.

The school’s provost, Prof Bello Orubebe, disclosed this during a visit to justice Alogba in his office by the university delegation.

Orubebe said the college settled for Justice Alogba to lead the school’s law board due to his track record.

The provost said the law faculty library of the institution is well-equipped, and committed to sound learning and research.

“We also submit ourselves to council of legal education and by virtue of precedent, we submit for further scrutiny. With all that we have put in place, we have capacity to report high court judgments,” Orubebe said.

Justice Alogba lauded the college for obtaining all necessary clearance before starting the programme, saying it was an indication that they started from a lawful foundation.

“It is a great opportunity and I feel humbled to be asked to participate in training of tomorrow’s lawyers. There is no doubt that the standard has fallen, not the fault of the faculty but everybody sending the ward to special centres.”

The CJ charged the college to ensure strict discipline in the pursuit of academic vision, saying the standard must be strictly adhered to.

Also, the administrative judge of Ikeja High Court, Justice Oluwatoyin Atinuke Ipaye, in her appreciation message said it is the first time a private university delegate would visit the chief judge. 


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