News - Page 7206

Malaria deaths fall 60 percent since 2000: UN

Malaria deaths worldwide have fallen by 60 percent since 2000, the UN said Thursday, with improved diagnostic tests and the massive distribution of mosquito nets aiding dramatic progress against the disease. Fifteen
9 years ago

Mozambique declares itself free of landmines

Mozambique’s government announced Thursday that the country was free from the threat of landmines more than 20 years after its civil war ended, even as tracts of land remained unsurveyed. “It’s with
9 years ago

Guinea-Bissau’s ruling party proposes new PM

Guinea-Bissau’s ruling party has nominated its veteran deputy leader Carlos Correia as the new prime minister as the country struggles with a political deadlock that has plunged it into crisis. Correia, 81,
9 years ago