Clark alive, hale, hearty, says PANDEF

Chief Edwin Kiagbodo Clark
The Pan-Niger Delta Forum (PANDEF), yesterday, confirmed that its National Leader and Chairman, Board of Trustees (BoT), Chief Edwin Clark is alive, hale and hearty.

In a statement issued by its National Publicity Secretary, Ken Robinson, the group explained that it was inundated with calls on Saturday, February 13, 2021, requesting Clark’s state of health.

Robinson said rumours on some social media platforms on the elder statesman’s failing health were concocted, malicious falsehood, ostensibly intended to cause confusion within the PANDEF leader’s multi-dimensional constituencies.

He said the anxiety of the inquirers has necessitated the release, adding: “PANDEF wishes to state that Chief E. K. Clark is his normal healthy and ebullient self.

“PANDEF urges all friends and associates of the South-South Leader, the Nigerian public and the global community, to disregard the rumour, because Clark is alive, hale and hearty.

Robinson, however, explained that Clark, who would soon turn 94, tested positive for COVID-19, but health officials have since confirmed him negative after 14 days of isolation in his Asokoro, Abuja residence.


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