Coalition decries PWDs’ experiences in airports, public facilities

A Coalition of Disability Organisations (CODO) has decried the difficulty Persons With disabilities (PWDs) experienced accessing airports and other public facilities in Nigeria due to barriers impeding their mobility and independence.

The coalition noted that many airports in Nigeria lack adequate infrastructure, such as ramps, elevators and accessible restrooms, making it difficult for PWDs to navigate through terminals.

According to them, the recent incident involving Mr Debola Daniel in KFC at Murtala Muhammed International Airport (MMIA) is a blatant violation of the National Disability Act and typifies the experiences of many persons with disabilities that go unspoken.

Speaking at a media parley on access to airports and its facilities for PWDs, Programme Officer, Centre for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD), Florence Atteh, said relevant stakeholders like Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), airline operators, Immigration Services, the Customs and Nigeria Security Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) have been sensitised across the six geopolitical zones and Federal Capital Territory (FCT), and noticeable improvements have been recorded.

She, however, urged relevant agencies to address challenges and ensure full compliance with the national disability Act.

Atteh added that the slow enforcement of legal frameworks by agencies tasked with managing the airports has led to continued exclusion of PWDs.

The coalition called on FAAN and Ministry of aviation to organise sensitisation training for airports staff on disability rights and inclusion, ensure that infrastructure upgrades and new constructions adhere to universal design principles, adding that NCAA should monitor and enforce compliance with accessibility standards and regulations at airports.

“Information signage, flight announcements, and other communication channels often do not cater for the needs of persons with hearing and/or visual impairments, leading to confusion and disorientation.

“Lack of awareness among airport staff and fellow travelers create uncomfortable and hostile environments. Similarly, complex security procedures, lack of functional disability desk and protocols result in delays and inconvenience for travelers with disabilities,” the coalition noted.


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