Court sentences 2 men to death by hanging for killing tricycle rider

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A Federal Capital Territory (FCT) High Court in Kubwa has sentenced Yahuza Isah and Auwalu Mohammed to death by hanging for killing a tricycle rider.

Delivering judgment, Justice Asmau Akanbi-Yusuf, held that based on the evidence before the court, the defendants formed a common intention when they conspired to kill and rob the deceased, Mohammed Shaibu on Jan. 7, 2020.

Akanbi-Yusuf also held that Isah and Mohammed failed to present any evidence to rebut the fact that they were arrested in connection with the crime.

“The prosecution counsel, Mayowa Adefioye has proven beyond reasoanble doubts the offence of conspiracy, armed robbery and culpable homicide punishable with death under Section 1(2)(a)(b) of the Robbery and Firearms Special Provisions Act .

“Therefore, the defendants have been found guilty and shall be hung on the neck until they are dead. May the good Lord have mercy on their souls,” she ruled.

Earlier the prosecution counsel said that the convicts while armed with dangerous weapons robbed the deceased and carted away his tricycle on Jan. 7, 2020.
Adefioye said the convicts caused the death of Shaibu when they hit on the head with an spanner in Moore District, Abuja.


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