Dear Maitama Sule, see the Buhari you left us

Buhari. Photo: TWITTER/NGRPresident
I write this post-mortem letter to you Your Excellency, Alhaji Yusuf Maitama Sule, Dan Masanin Kano, of blessed memory, to intimate you on the battered situations in the country after your demise. 

Before detailing to you the state of the nation, let me seek Allah’s forgiveness for believing only GMB can change the country without seeking Allah’s guidance from him. This too much belief that only Baba can change the fortune of the country also made him accuse all past civilians administrations of running anti- masses policies in the country. Let me pray for Allah’s guidance for baba and open his heart to understand the suffering people are going through. We bow before Allah seeking His forgiveness. Help us in our trying moment as people and the country at large to pass this trial.   

No one will believe if someone walked up to Buharists before 2015 and said Nigerians under the present administration would experience such a desperate situation we are now in. Buharists would promptly give him a verbal roasting if not a physical attack. If anyone would tell Buharists that Nigerians would get so fed up with his administration no one will believe it.

After your demise, your colleagues in the Northern Elders Forum and other well-meaning respected personalities including His Eminence, the Sultan of Sokoto have all lamented the high rate of insecurity particularly in the north, as bandits are fast overrunning the region. There has never been a time when millions of Nigerians are losing faith in the ability of those in government to make an impact. Peoples’ faith keeps fading on a daily basis in the country.  

The people are desperate and those in power appear incapable of finding solutions to the insecurity, the economic downturn, and abject poverty starring the populace in the face.  

I don’t want to disturb your peaceful rest, but I have to let you know that you and other 12 million especially unapologetic Buharists then had much confidence in the country’s perceived ‘messiah’ especially after three consecutive attempts. You were convinced that our nation will have a sense of direction where justice and good governance and justice would prevail. When you left this world, the level of insecurity especially in the northern part of the country was not as bad as it is today. People in many northern states are now at the mercy of armed gangs, who roam towns and villages to wreak havoc and kill at will.

Were you alive, you would have been surprised by the sudden turn of events – how the hope and expectations the people had for a Baba’s presidency have been badly shattered.

Let me remind you about your testimonial attestation before the then president-elect, General Muhammadu Buhari after the 2015 general elections when you led Northern Leaders Forum delegates to congratulate him.  I watched the visit on Channels TV. The attestation broke my heart and gingered me that I had paid my due in voting for a leader I had been dreaming of for the country since 2003.  

It’s apt to quote you: “It is the same Buhari that gave this country a sense of direction when he was a military leader. This time, I’m sure, Allah has brought him, to correct the ills of the past, to reform.  But sir, it is easy – and you know it was easy while you were there as a military leader – and with justice, you can rule Nigeria well. 

Justice is the key. I ask you, please, to continue. Don’t change, don’t compromise justice with anything. We are looking for a Nigerian that would be committed, dedicated and you are such a person. We are, therefore, expecting much from you. We are expecting much from you. We, on our side, are prepared to give you whatever support, in form of advice or anything, that will enable you to succeed in your task. May Allah help you! Mr. President.”

Had it been you are with us, you would be among millions of Nigerians that keep asking whether Baba Buhari is the same man of reliability we saw in him some years back because what we have gone through is unimaginable. Five years ago, no Nigerian expected negative things to happen under PMB’s stewardship. The electorates never thought Baba would head a government bedeviled with boggling poor economic policies, poverty, and insecurity, challenges with endless things that are discrediting the administration’s goodwill and the nation at large.

With the ways things are going, it is like Buhari is not the same person Nigerians ostensibly brought into power in 2015. Buhari’s fear factor has gone. Corrupt politicians have a free day. Everyone does as he wishes

The popularity and massive support Baba enjoyed has been badly ruptured. Going to market shops, stalls, joints, everywhere, one hears and sees pains people are going through because people believe that the administration appears helpless in finding solutions to insecurity as well as poverty in the North. It is written on their faces.

Your Excellency, on the final note, as you knew history books are replete with the role you have played to stabilize the country during and after the independence struggle. When you were here with us you were a strong believer in national unity, you were known as a man who stood for justice, a man with a vast knowledge of the contemporary history of Nigeria. You did not waste any opportunity in sharing your experience with anyone who would listen to you, especially our generations. You left this world as Nigeria has not taken its rightful place in the committee of nations, as you hope so. Like we all know, some of the most important qualities of a leader include integrity, accountability, empathy, humility, resilience, vision, influence, and positivity.  

Like old stories on a new page of a book, governments at all levels have not been able to show readiness in confronting the daunting challenges bedeviling this country. 
Munamu mufada ji yarage dasu .

Dukawa can be reached at


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