Diaspora APC urges FG to disregard call to scrap NIDCOM

The Committee of Diaspora Chairmen of the All Progressives Congress (APC) has urged the federal government to disregard calls to scrap or restructure Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM).

The forum in a statement signed by Dr Philip Idaewor; Chairman APC UK & Chairman APC Committee of Chairmen Diaspora Chapters and released by Hon. Ayoola Lawal; Chairman APC Scandinavia & Secretary APC Committee of Chairmen Diaspora Chapters while responding to a press statement by a group identified as ‘Coalition of Oduduwa Descendants (COD)’, described it as “not only condescending and patronising but also outrightly disrespectful.”

The chairmen noted that coalition leadership has not spoken as representing Nigerians who live abroad (Nigerians in Diaspora) and, there is no indication that their members live outside the shores of Nigerians to have an understanding of the peculiar challenges facing Nigerians in the Diaspora.

It explained that there is a poor understanding of what NIDOM represents. “The COD membership and leaders would not know the huge investment in time and campaigning it took Nigerians living abroad in partnership with friendly compatriots at home particularly the current Chairperson of NIDCOM, to finally get government buy-in and, NIDCOM established.”

While commending President Muhammadu Buhari for signing the act establishing NIDCOM into law after so many years, they commended its current Chairman, Mrs Abike Dabiri-Erewa for her dynamism, sense of purpose and focus in ensuring that NIDCOM fulfils its mandate.

The forum also said, “For the record as leaders of a Nigerian focused political group in the Diaspora, and on behalf of our members, we wish to state that Nigerians in Diaspora already feel disenfranchised by the unhealthy political mistreatment and disfavour being visited on them by their compatriots at home.”

They urged Nigerians at home to begin to see their compatriots in Diaspora as equal partners in nation-building.


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