Easter: Let’s Use The Occasion To Foster Peace

BELOVED, another Easter has come, when we celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. This period reminded us of how God sent His Son to die as a sacrifice for all our sins in order to rescue us from the impending destruction that has been earmarked for us as a result of the sin of Adam and Eve. Thus, by His death and resurrection, the covenant of peace and blessing, which mankind originally had with God at creation, was restored. Man being in a sinful state, and seeing there is no peace to the wicked, required a reconciliation to be made to restore peace between him and his Creator, but peace could not be made without an atonement for sin. So, the shedding of blood on the cross of Calvary was the atonement cum price paid to purchase peace for mankind.

Col. 1:20 says, “And, having made peace through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto himself; by Him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven”

The commemoration of Easter is to draw our attention to Jesus Christ as the Symbol of peace. It, therefore, becomes wise that the entire nation should use this period of Easter to foster peace and love in the country, as this is the only way we can acknowledge and appreciate what Jesus has done for humanity.

So, Easter brings that optimism that no matter how challenging a situation may be, as long as there is resurrection, there will be a restoration and if Jesus could defeat death, then all things are possible. This also suggests that as bad as the prevailing situation in our country might appear, there is the expectation that things will get better because the covenant of peace and blessing God established with man is still valid.

John 14: 27 says, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

Our Lord Jesus has expressly told us that whatever trouble we are passing through in this world, we should not be afraid of it, nor troubled at it, for He will give us inward peace in the midst of all our troubles. Not as the world gives, for Christ’s peace is vastly different from that peace, which is given or enjoyed by the world. The world may wish peace, yet never intend it, or they may wish it, yet not be able to give it, but Christ’s peace is real and effectual. The world’s peace is only a freedom from outward trouble, but Christ’s peace is a deliverance from inward guilt, though it does not give us an exemption from outward trouble, yet it assures us of joy, peace and deliverance. The peace brought to humanity as a result of Christ suffering, death, burial and resurrection is an enduring peace. It is the peace that permeates into our inner selves to quell our riotous members amidst the storms of life as a result of sin.

Beloved, the victory of Jesus over death is the victory over hopelessness and anarchy, for Christ’s resurrection as epitomised by Easter ushered us new hope for peace. If the world, particularly Nigerians, will acknowledge and appreciate this wonderful work of grace, then the political and economic nightmare that have characterised our society will become a thing of the past.

Jesus said in the Book of John 16: 33, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”.

