Empty nest syndrome has Barack Obama in tears

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US President Barack Obama has a lot on his plate, but one item is causing him considerable stress: his impending empty nest syndrome.

Sixteen-year-old daughter Malia hasn’t even finished high school, but Obama says the thought of her heading off to college has him crying. Several times a day, in fact.

“I start tearing up in the middle of the day and I can’t explain it, why am I so sad? They’re leaving me,” he told a laughing crowd at a prayer breakfast Tuesday, injecting a fake quiver into his voice.

Obama appealed for support as he starts to fret about the oldest of his two daughters fleeing the coop.

“I want to thank everybody here for their prayers, which means so much to me and Michelle, particularly at a time when my daughters are starting to grow up and starting to go on college visits,” he said.

“I need prayer.”

Luckily, Malia’s younger sister Sasha, 13, won’t start thinking about college for a few years yet.

Until then, Obama might want to start thinking about moving to a college town after he leaves the White House


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