Encomiums As Primate Olabayo Marks 42 Years In Ministry

Primate Olabayo. Image source believersportal
Primate Olabayo. Image source believersportal

THE second yearly Theophilus Oluwasanu Olabayo colloquium and 42nd anniversary in the prophetic ministry was held recently in Lagos. At the event with the theme: “Prophets: Conceptions and Misconceptions, Roles and Responsibilities,” speakers at the event commended Primate Theophilus Olabayo, who will clock 70 next year. They shared testimonies of his prophecies that came to pass.

In attendance were the celebrant and his wife, Rev. Stella, Special Apostle Sunday Korode of the Holy Order, Cherubim and Seraphim Church Movement, Professor of English and Literature in the University of Benin, Prof. Anthony Afejuku, Bishop Theologian, Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) and Dean, Crowther Graduate Theological Seminary, Abeokuta, Rt. Rev (Prof.) Dapo Asaju among others.

In his anniversary message, Primate Olabayo noted that it had not been easy for him in the last 42 years of his ministry. He, however, thanked God for His mercies and favour throughout the years.

“In 42 years of ministry, I have seen a number of things and experienced a lot, too. Like the prophets of old, God has kindled fire in my bones and I am a man that has seen affliction by the reason of the rod. It has been years of rare sacrifice, commitment, devotion and extravagant love for my God, this ministry, The Evangelical Church of Yahweh and to my generation.

