End Insecurity, create jobs, NCP tells President Buhari

National Conscience Party (NCP) has urged Nigerians to be optimistic of the nation’s victorious emergence from the challenges of the year 2020.

National Chairman, NCP, Yunusa Tanko, made the plea yesterday in his New Year message for the country. “We call on Nigerians to keep hope alive for a beautiful 2021 as we task government to be more committed and strengthen security in the country. We call on government to end insecurity and create jobs for the youths this year. We call on Nigerians to continue to stay safe especially as it concerns compliance with the COVID-19 prevention protocols, as we’re all stakeholders in the Nigerian project and the fight against the pandemic.”

“Nigerians have shown, once again, their characteristic resilience through a year that was full of uncertainties, hunger and difficulties. We made it through the health, economic and security crisis that befell us and though the battle is not yet over, the collective doggedness with which we braved the odds of 2020 is a clear signal that we have all it takes to make 2021 a glorious year for our great nation”.


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