Enugu orders fresh Igweship election in community amid legal tussle

Dr.Peter Mbah

The Enugu State government has ordered a fresh election for the Igweship throne of Akama Oghe community in Ezeagu local government area of the State.

The Igweship stool of Akama Oghe community is being contended by Ozo Christian Akpata and Onyeka Ofodile, both of who have been laying claims as the authentic Igwe-elect for the throne.

The matter also generated several litigations in court, thereby stalling any possibility of crowning any particular individual as the Igwe Dimeze iv of Akama Oghe.

But, addressing the warring camps and stakeholders of the community to resolve the lingering chieftaincy tussle in the community, the state Commissioner for local government, Chieftaincy Affairs and Rural Development, Okey Ogbodo, announced the cancellation of the elections or selections of the two contenders, noting that the state government did not witness whatever happened in the past in the name of Igweship election.

The Commissioner also ordered all matters relating to the Igweship tussle to be withdrawn from the various courts to enable the the town union organize an election that would be monitored by the government and is acceptable to all parties involved.

The Commissioner stated that the state governor, Dr Peter Mbah, was committed to ending the crisis rocking the community and many others with similar crisis over vacant royal throne and town union leadership.

“We decided to call the stakeholders of Akama Oghe to have understanding among ourselves. We believe this will end up uniting Akama Oghe.

“Governor Peter Mbah is very interested in restoring peace in communities to help him solve our insecurity problems resulting from herdsmen attacks because without a united community leadership, our communities will be porous security wise.

“It’s important that the town union and Igweship elections are monitored by the government.

“For this reason, I will beg you two things: first is that you willi Withdraw all litigations in various courts if you want peace and progress of Akama Oghe. Igweship throne should not be do or die affair. Court judgements do not guarantee peace in the community. Even any judgement by a third party doesn’t guarantee peace. It’s only the spirit of give and take that will guarantee you peace and that is what is needed in Akama Oghe.

“Second, the only option left for us is for fresh election to be organized for you to choose who becomes your next Igwe”, Ogbodo said.


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