Experts lauds FG for rolling out Ka-band technology

SOME ICT experts in Abuja on Wednesday extolled the Federal Government for rolling out Ka-band satellite solution by Nigerian Communications Satellite (NIGCOMSAT).

The experts made the commendation during an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

NAN recalls that the Ka-band was inaugurated on Tuesday in Abuja.

Ka-band enables satellite operators to transmit around 10 times as much data over the same satellite.

The equipment used could be much smaller, cheaper and easier to set up.

Ms Abimbola Alale, the Managing Director, NigComSat, had told NAN that the new satellite solution was developed to improve the delivery of ultra-high speed connectivity and content in the mainstream of Nigeria businesses.

Mr Mike Ogbalu, the Managing Director, Firstmonie, a subsidiary of First Bank of Nigeria and a partner to NigComSat, said the technology would be of great benefit to the financial sector.

He said the bank invested in the project because of its profitability.

“We have been on the business of financing farmers in the past 120 years. We wouldn’t have been ready to invest on this project if it is not a profitable venture.

“It will bring value to the farmers and we believe that we will be able to deliver a financial inclusion.

“Ours is a two-year-old scheme, but we will see that rural communities have access to finance through the Nigeria Postal Services (NIPOST),’’ he said.

Rep. Ibrahim Gusau, Chairman, House Committee on ICT, said the development would strengthen the technology sector.

“The satellite needs a backup to function well and we will propose it in the House and see to the passage of it,’’ said the legislator.

Dr Robbert Attuh, Head, Business Development and Commercialisation, National Identity Management Commission, said the new broadband would help the agency to take the biometric of each farmer in the rural communities.

“This would help us to take the biometrics of farmers in our biometric centres and authenticate the biometrics data to ensure that it is secured to enable us issue e-cards.’’

Prof. Turner Isoun, the Chairman, Board of Directors, NigComSat Ltd., told NAN that Ka-band would help in building financial inclusion in the rural areas.

“The launch of the NigComSat Ka-band services is symbolic on so many levels. For the Federal Government of Nigeria, this is confirmation that ICT in Nigeria is working.

“Moreover, it is a confirmation that the investment of the government in ICT infrastructure such as communication satellites was not in vain.

“On a personal level, this is a fulfilment for me, having played a key role in the creation of NigComSat, during my tenure as the Minister of Science and Technology.

“This Ka-band illustrates that indeed there are commercial by-products of space technology that can be utilised and enjoyed by the average Nigerian,” he said.

He said the Ka-band provided evidence that the country possessed the skills and technical know-how to compete with the best in the world in ICT.

“I urge Nigerians to see this as a great development and a success achieved in the country.

“We should not only see the negative aspect of the country we should also learn to say good things about our nation whenever such is achieved,’’ he said.

Malam Ibrahim Baba, the Postmaster General, NIPOST, told NAN that the Ka-band was the cheapest of all broadband, adding that it was beneficial to people living in the rural areas.

“It is cost effective, we are going to make sure that it gets to the people at the rural areas at affordable prices,” he said. (NAN)

