Faith that cannot be denied

Text: Matthew 9: 20-29; Mark 5:25
Assuredly, God has made available everything man needs to succeed in life. Yet, man fails on daily basis in his quest for success. Man lives in ignorance of God’s provision for his survival on earth. The reason is not far fetched: man lacks the requisite faith to bring down what belongs to him.

The woman in our text, suffered for a period of twelve years. She spent her years in sickness and wallowed helplessly. Obviously, she would not have wasted her years in hospitals and places she went seeking for help, if she had exercised her faith on time. Her faith was dormant during this period of wandering. She did not put it to use! Although she realised herself after suffering untold hardship and excruciating pains from people who deceived her and made merchandise of the situation.

Full provisions have been made for all believers. What is needed is faith to pull it down. God cares, and He wants His children to partake in all the provisions made for them. It is only those who put their absolute trust in God that can access what belongs to them. Healing, for instance, has been made available for all. Jesus paid the full price from the beginning. No Christian is supposed to fall sick because Christ paid for our healing at redemption for all men. The provision for divine healing is sacrosanct. It is not negotiable! It is freely provided for man through Christ’s atoning blood on the Cross.

The application of faith is universal and applies at every facet of human endeavour. The same faith that provides security can equally give every other thing in life. The Lord is ready to give man all his desires on earth if he can exercise faith and absolute trust in God.

Because of the divine security, Christians enjoy today, a Christian cannot be kidnapped or robbed. This is a pill too hard to swallow by some so-called believers. Many will oppose this position, but those who understand God’s power on believers know the efficacy of God’s power and what it can do. God can go all length to protect His own! This is the privilege real children of God are meant to enjoy. Your unmovable faith in Christ Jesus can alter norms and standards in society today. The fact is that Christians do not know what they have. They float in faithlessness and unbelief.

It is abnormal and unscriptural for a Christian to die untimely, because there is sufficient promise and provision for life. The Lord has given man enough years to fulfil on earth. The length of years given to man is to ensure he fulfils his ministry.

However, some Christians have accepted what times and seasons bring their way. God is a God of order. Whatever man chooses and believes will work for him. If he believes he can die premature, heaven will sanction such confession. The Puritans were wonderful Christians, whose faith was challenging to contemporary Christians. Unfortunately, almost all of them died through mysterious diseases and sicknesses because they didn’t believe in divine healing!

Infant death and miscarriages are not from God, and a believer cannot miscarry because it is not God’s promise to believers. Lack of faith in Christ could cause the above evils. God’s promise is life and not death.

Activate your faith now and put it to use forthwith.

For further reading: Heb. 11:1; Phil. 4:19; Mat. 6:33; Isaiah 53:5; Mat. 8:15-17; Psalm 23:1-6; John 17:11-12; Exo. 23:26; Gen. 6:3; Isaiah 65:20; Heb. 11:2; Gal. 3:2; Luke 4:17-19.

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