When I was on postgraduate study at the University of Ibadan in 1991, in line with my tradition, in the evening, I would go to The Seat of Wisdom Chapel to pray to close the day which began with morning Mass. Often, after praying, I would hang around the Church premises to savour the campus greenish scenery and the up and down movement of students.


Fear Of Going Home

Again if home and home people are bad, it is because those members who acquired scientific and technological knowledge and who embraced the new religion have failed their communities. They have not been able to plant into their communities the transformative forces that accompany their exposure to, new knowledge and dynamic faith and to varieties of cultures. Their failure is pursuing them and will continue until they turn back and confront the forces with the new knowledge and new dynamic faith. It has become evident that those who went in search of the Golden Fleece return to surrender it to ignorance and powerlessness. Hence experts in African Traditional Religion continue to argue that in times of crisis the so-called elite and learned revert to idolatry and sorcery.

Now, you are neither safe at home nor abroad. Where will you settle and deliver the message God gave you for the world? If your home is becoming a doom for you, stop and examine yourself. Either you have not done the right thing or you have not done enough in the right direction. Fear not. Your home is the first place God has given you to build a better world. Go about this divine assignment irrespective of the nature of your kith and kin. Take God serious and make him your dwelling place (Ps. 91). Anywhere else you stand, beginning with your home town, would obey you. But bear in mind that no amount of investment in technological and diabolical security gadgets can bring safety in our societies and families. Only investment in character formation and transformation, no matter how paltry it may be, can bring sustainable development and guarantee peace at home and assure us the same when we visit home.

Nwachukwu sent this piece from Okpofe Mbaise, Imo State.

