Fight These Five Common Illnesses During Rainy Season

Photo credit – Pexels _ Pavel Danilyuk

It’s the season of downpours, and certain illnesses are common during this time. Thankfully, here are a few home remedies to treat and prevent such illnesses during the rainy season.

Common cold

Upper respiratory infection, popularly known as the common cold, is a part of illnesses caused by viruses. It mainly attacks the respiratory tract, leading to symptoms like cough, catarrh, runny nose, nausea, vomiting, headache, and even fever. This illness affects anyone exposed to the virus, regardless of age. However, it is common to see kids with a common cold because their bodies lack adequate immunity against it and they are not as hygienically conscious as adults.

For relief, apply eucalyptus oil on the child’s bed linen. You can also rub a little on the child’s legs and hands to keep them warm and clear the airways. A decongestant prescribed by a doctor can also help alleviate symptoms.

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Cholera, popularly known as jedi-jedi in the Yoruba language, is caused by a bacterium known as Vibrio cholerae. This infection is spread through contaminated water and food, making cholera outbreaks quite common during the rainy season. It leads to symptoms like watery diarrhoea and vomiting.

Treating cholera involves hydration and the use of antibiotics. For mild diarrhoea, promptly administer an oral rehydration solution (ORS) to the affected person. Ensure they regularly take fluids to prevent dehydration, which can be dangerous. Severe cholera constitutes a medical emergency, and instant intravenous fluids and antibiotics, strictly monitored by a medical professional, should be administered.

Skin Infection

Skin infection is part of the common illnesses during the rainy season. During this time, fungal infections such as athlete’s foot and ringworm thrive because of the humid weather and moist conditions. These infections affect both adults and children alike.

To prevent athlete’s foot, always keep your feet dry. Wear sandals and slippers when possible, and use absorbent socks when wearing closed shoes. Also, monitor children closely to ensure that they do not play in stagnant water, which is breeding ground for such fungi.


Photo credit – Pexels _ Cottonbro Studio

Malaria is also a common, sometimes life-threatening disease during the rainy season. It is majorly caused by bites from infected mosquitoes drawn to stagnant water from the rain.

The best way to prevent malaria is to avoid mosquito bites. Use mosquito netting and insect repellent to protect yourself while you sleep. Malaria can be cured with the right medication. Certain home remedies can also combat malaria, and some common kitchen herbs and spices like turmeric, cinnamon, tulsi, neem and ginger are effective remedies for malaria.


In simpler terms, joint inflammation is the swelling of the joints and bones, which may cause pain and restrict movement. Although arthritis is often a chronic condition, it can be managed with certain home remedies.

To manage arthritis, exercising and stretching regularly can make life easier for people living with the condition. Take a 15-minute walk and stretch your legs regularly to reduce swelling and relieve pain.


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