Five Things to Learn From Prince Harry and Meghan Oprah Interview

It is no news that Prince Harry and his wife Meghan granted Oprah Winfrey an interview where they revealed shocking secrets about the British royal family, the institution of the Buckingham Palace, and the British Media.

When we hear of the British first family, the public perspective was commonly one filled with oneness, love, and unity; but now, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex may have just helped the world realise “we perhaps have been frogs looking at the world from the bottom of a well”!

In an effort to understand what may be going on with the couple, here are five things to learn from the explosive interview.

The Royal family isn’t as united as we thought

During the interview, Prince Harry informed Oprah he is hurt by his father and is taking some space from his brother (Prince William).

All isn’t as it seems

Meghan revealed to Oprah she was in shock when she was told by Prince Harry she had to curtesy to the Queen. If she had done a little more research, maybe she may have avoided that awkward moment. As they say “All that glitters isn’t gold”!

The corruption of the British press

It was alleged during the interview that there is an existing “scratch my back I scratch yours” relationship between the British Media and the Royal household. The Prince said Buckingham Palace opens its doors to reporters in order to get better press.

The Duchess of Sussex had suicidal premonitions

Meghan revealed that at the lowest point of her hardships in the palace, she considered taking her life and when she tried getting help, it wasn’t granted. This further sheds light on the growing rate of suicide and depression in the world today.

Racism in Buckingham palace

The highlight of the entire interview was Harry and Meghan making the world speechless by alleging that before their son, Archie was born, the Prince was asked how dark the skin of their child was going to be; and to further complicate things, he was allegedly not given a title on the bases of race.

In all, there is a lot to learn from the entire saga and the world waits with bated breath in anticipation of how the royal family will react to the allegations or in the usual manner, maintain a studied silence and continue to allow the Duke and Duchess of Sussex enjoy all the public attention.


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