From Owning a Chicken Shop to Now a Multimillion Dollar Business – Peter Triantos Shares His Secret to Success

Peter Triantos

Peter Triantos is the originator of 8Food, one of the main fixing organizations in Australia. His excursion in the corporate world is quite possibly the most inspirational ones. Triantos exited secondary school when he was only sixteen years of age. This was an intense move, however not for Triantos. From a young age, he realized that predefined frameworks make predefined individuals, and he needed to venture out of this mould that society was attempting to place him in.

At the age of 21, Peter Triantos began his enterprising excursion by purchasing an overview chicken barbecue bar – which proceeded to open five additional stores. In 2007, Peter Triantos chose to move into food fabricating and put 3,000,000 dollars into the framework to stir up the topping sauce space! Peter Triantos, other than being a fruitful finance manager, and a motivating business visionary is a mainstream Instagrammer too. Peter regularly posts persuasive statements for creating people and keeps on building an organization that has a serious level of respectability and ethics.

When 8Food started, the big names in the market were not ready for this sort of competition, the amount of traction that Peter’s new venture was gaining threatened them. This led to a price war that tested Triantos’ financial strength and left him in a mess as he lost his family home. This still did not stop Peter from bouncing back; he managed to hold onto his business, change his tactics, and started servicing stores directly rather than engaging with distributors.

Building these relationships with store owners allowed Triantos to expand further, and he went on to establish his own distribution company to manage and sell his products. This led to the formation of 8Food Group Distribution. Now both companies have a turnover of more than thirty-five million dollars and a growth rate of twenty-five percent per annum!

Peter Triantos fearlessly availed all chances to find success in a world where even the best entrepreneurs who have ever lived have blown up (at least) their first accounts by making wrong investment decisions. “I’m not a perfectionist, I just follow my passion and stay consistent,” says Peter as he explains his core motive. The secret to Peter’s success is his competitive nature. He believes that competitive people make the world go round. The competition that they are in with themselves pushes them to do better. He says that by staying competitive one sets themselves new goals!

At the point when gotten some information about what counsel he would provide for the more youthful age, Peter said that his greatest concern is bad friends – he further clarified that they lead you to negative encounters which hurt your future. Furthermore, he said that on the business side, the main recommendation he can offer is to continue onward. Most organizations fizzle since individuals surrender at the outset stage.






