FRSC promotes 39 in C’River 

Thirty-nine officers of Federal Road Safety Corp (FRSC), Cross River Sector Command, have been decorated with new ranks. The officers were elevated following successful promotion examinations.

While decorating the officers with their new ranks, the Sector Commander, Mr. Abdullahi Hassan, told them to understand that “to whom much is given much is expected.”

He implored them to put in their best to justify the Corps’ Management confidence reposed in them, stressing that not only should they now be more committed to their responsibilities, but should go the extra mile in accomplishing any responsibility given to them.

Hassan thanked the Corps Marshal, Dauda Ali Biu, for making it possible for officers of the Command to participate in the promotion examination. Heads of various security agencies, captains of industries and other stakeholders that attended the event commended the management for the opportunities given to officers of the corps to excel.


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