Greensprings’ pupils donate facilities to another school

Greenspring Elementary School Principal, Bimpe Ajibola

IN a show of compassion for their less-privileged counterparts, pupils of Greensprings Elementary School, Lekki, built and donated a block of three classrooms, four toilets, borehole and sewage system for Raco Child School and Orphanage, Lagos.

Speaking at the official commissioning of the project, the elementary school principal, Mrs. Bimpe Ajibola, said the journey started three years ago with the Water Charity Walk, when students, staff and some parents walked for some kilometres to raise funds for the project.

“After that, several other ventures like ice cream/pizza sales and so on were organised to also raise funds. The major event was the Prefects Charity Week organised by the immediate past prefects of the elementary school, where a huge chunk of the funds was raised to complete the project. RACO Child School and Orphanage was identified as beneficiary after a staff of Greensprings Elementary School carried out volunteer work in the school. The staff was the one that drew attention to the school as being in dire need of support in order to fulfill its role effectively.

In his remarks, Director of Education, Greensprings School, Mr. Harry McFaul, commended pupils and staff of Greensprings School, Lekki Campus for initiating and completing the charity project. While describing the pupils’ sacrifice as a commendable step towards realising a worthy cause, he congratulated pupils as well as management and staff of the benefitting school for contributing their quota to nurturing children and raising tomorrow’s leaders.

Executive Director, Greensprings School, Lagos, Mrs. Lai Koiki, at the event said, “Service remains one of the core values of Greensprings School. So, students across all sections of the school – pre-school, elementary, secondary, Sixth Form and IB School – in both Anthony and Lekki campuses embark on charity projects in order to imbibe the act of giving and rendering selfless services to people in the community.

“Students are given the opportunity to suggest how funds are raised, implement these suggestions and they also identify communities where help is needed. This is life-long learning and it is expected that when the students become adults, they would have internalised some of these traits and they will be able to affect societies in a wider dimensions.

Chief Responsibility Coordinator, RACO Child School and Orphanage, Mr. Olorunwa Dan Nwaka, who was full of appreciation said the commissioning was, “a dream come true. Several promises, interviews and pledges have been made in the past by different organisations and individuals to support the cause of the school. All these were just promises without any fulfillment. And when the same process started with Greensprings School, we also thought the matter would go the same way as others. However, when the construction work started, and progress made, we were relieved that at last, God had made it possible.”

He commended everyone including the Greensprings’ pupils, Mrs. Koiki, Mrs. Ajibola and all staff of the school for coming to the aid of the needy.

