Group empowers indigent women in Epe

Towobola addressing women at the event
Towobola addressing women at the event

WOMEN Protection Organization (WOPO), a non-governmental organisation, has empowered women in Epe Local Council of Lagos, by disbursing undisclosed soft loans to the women to boost their small- scale businesses.

The Executive Director of WOPO, Mrs. O. Towobola, said the group aims at empowering women to become successful in their businesses, adding that the programme was designed to look into issues affecting women in the society.

“To train a woman is to train a nation”, she said.

Since its formation, the group has helped in the reduction of gender gap, through trainings, seminars, workshop advocacy among others. It has also engaged women in all kinds of skills and counseling, especially for violated women.

The group also cares and supports children orphaned by Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) with support from the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM).
