Gunmen kill nine persons in Katsina

Nine persons have reportedly lost their lives and dozen others injured following attack by gunmen Wednesday night, at Unguwar Sarki, Shema village, in Faskari Local Government Area of Katsina State.

The gunmen, suspected to be bandits, attacked the community at about 11 pm and operated into the early hours of Thursday morning.

A source said those killed included eight adults.

He added that the gunmen also injured scores of people, and carted away livestocks and household items, including foodstuffs and money.

It was learnt that the deceased would be buried Thursday morning, while the injured have been moved to a hospital for medical attention.

But another source in the area said there were concerns the number of people dead may be more than nine, as whereabouts of several community members was still unknown.

“We are still conducting headcount of the community members, and from what we have so far, there are concerns that more people may have lost their lives following their incident.

“We are combing the forests nearby with the hope of finding those unaccounted for. Many people that fled had ran into the forest, but we hope those alive will come out soon and he reunited with their loved ones.”

He, however, added that security personnel had been deployed to the place to forestall breakdown of law and order, even as some residents are said to have fled the community for the council’s headquarters.

Spokesperson for the police command in the state, SP Gambo Isah was yet to respond to inquiry on the issue as at time of this report.


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