Hoodlums set Imo lawmaker’s ancestral home ablaze

Hoodlums in their numbers allegedly invaded and set ablaze the ancestral home of the lawmaker representing Orlu constituency in the Imo State House of Assembly, Paschal Okolie, in Umudara, Akwakuma- Opkoro.

Okolie, who confirmed  the incident yesterday, said the attack took place  at about 1:00a.m. on Sunday, as some of his documents, artifacts, books and other valuable property were reduced to rubbles. He urged the security agents to fish out the arsonists and bring them to book.
The lawmaker expressed surprise why the hoodlums did such to him as he has always condemned evil in society. He said: “Arsonists on Sunday, February 12, 2023, invaded my residence in Umudara, Akwakuma- Opkoro  at about 1: 00a.m. and set it ablaze. I have always condemned evil.”
Spokesperson for Imo State Police Command, Henry Okoye, was yet to issue a statement on the incident.
Recall that  many homes have been set ablaze in the state, in the recent times, while human lives have also been lost to gunmen attacks. The gunmen also invaded the premises of the Oguta High Court, situated at the Oguta Local  Council headquarters, Imo State,  at about 11.30p.m., on Sunday, reducing the facility to rubbles.
The areas that were torched, a source told The Guardian, include the Magistrate’s Court Registry; the Appeal Court Record office; the File Room; the Secretary to the High Court Judge’s office; the Office of Bailiff of the High Court; and the Chamber of the judge.
The Guardian gathered that the structure of the complex was compromised by suspected explosives and would be demolished before another structure could be erected.
Also, gunmen, who are yet to be apprehended recently dragged out the magistrate of Ejemekwuru Customary Court in the same Oguta council, Nnaemeka Ugboma, from court and murdered him.


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