Jegede: My teacher, professor, counsellor, mentor and benefactor

My admission into the Faculty of Law, University of Lagos, paved the way for my almost 40 years of uninterrupted association, with Prof. Michael Iyiola Jegede, SAN. My year set (Class of 1977-80) matriculated and graduated during the tenure of Prof. as Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Lagos. We were Prof’s last graduating set as Dean of Law.

Prof. Jegede
Prof. Jegede

Our set, also had the fortune of being lectured and tutored, by Prof., in Equity and Trusts. Inspite of his busy schedule, within and outside the University, Prof attended our lectures and tutorial classes, regularly and promptly. In Prof., we found a teacher, counsellor, friend and mentor. He encouraged some of his Students to seriously consider lecturing in the Faculty of Law, Unilag. He was never tired of recommending his deserving students, for post-graduate admission in the four colleges of the University of London. Prof. followed up on his students in the various colleges of the University of London, whenever he was in London. The meeting point, was the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, Russel Square in London. Between 1979 and 1982, Prof. embarked on aggressive recruitment of young and vibrant Lecturers to the Faculty.

Prof. deployed his advocacy skills to convince the Management of the University of Lagos to approve Lecturer Grade II as the entry point for Law Lecturers with Masters Degree in Law, as against appointing them as Assistant Lecturers. The University agreed with Prof. The agreement evidently paid off. Our Faculty was able to attract brilliant, progressive and dedicated young Lecturers. Many of them have not only become Professors, they are now “grand Professors.” These young men and women who were recruited by Prof., are today, among Giants in the Legal Profession. Some of Prof’s students are captains of the Industry, while others have held and are still holding, political offices.

Prof., pioneered departmentalization of the Faculty of Law, University of Lagos in 1978. Four Departments, were created in the Faculty during his tenure as Dean of Law. These are: Departments of Commercial and Industrial Law, Jurisprudence and International Law, Private and Property Law and Public Law.

Many Faculties of Law in Nigeria have copied and are still copying, the departmental arrangement introduced by Prof.. Welfare of Staff and Students were Prof’s priorities when he was the Dean of Law. Seven Professors of Law were appointed in the Faculty in 1980 during his tenure as Dean of Law.The University of Lagos is yet to witness such harvest of Professors of Law in one year. Deserving Lecturers at non-Professorial levels were also promoted during his tenure as Dean of Law. The first two students to be awarded 1st Class degrees in Law by the University of Lagos (established in 1962), emerged in 1978 and 1980 respectively, when Prof. was the Dean of Law.

Prof. was evidently pleased with my appointment as a Lecturer in the Faculty of Law, University of Lagos. He promptly counselled me, on the need to be involved in private practice. He believed that an effective Law Lecturer, must have practical experience. Prof. further counselled me, on how to equitably apportion my time, between University assignments and private practice, without robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Prof. narrated to me, how he gave the University 100% of his time, until 1972, when the Military Government directed all Lecturers to vacate their staff quarters, during one of the strikes in the Nation’s Universities. He suddenly realised, that he had no house to take his Family to. He was not alone. Most University staff found themselves in the same situation. When the strike was over, he set up his thriving Legal Practice. Prof’s story was corroborated, by my Guardian in the University, Late Prof. C. O. Orangun. I have been guided and blessed, by wise counsel, of these gentlemen of blessed memories. I cannot thank them enough for the very useful advice.

Prof. afforded me the opportunity of being an associate in his Chambers; (M. I. Jegede & Co) between 1983 and 1994. The Chambers meetings were instructive, informative and insightful. I attest, that legal issues, raised at Chambers Meetings, ignited my interest to write various papers on the conflicts in jurisdiction of State and Federal High Courts in Nigeria. My first set of papers were edited by Prof. His guiding hands, were readily available to me, in my research work, at the early stage of my academic career. The opportunity afforded me in M.I. Jegede & Co, brought me in contact with great legal minds, such as Hon. Justice Innocent Umezulike, Kola Awodein, SAN, Mrs. Titilola Akinlawon, SAN, Mr. Akin Akintoye and Ibukun Ajomo. We were the musketeers in Chambers, who happily combined to solved serious legal problems.

The first trial conducted by me, was a case in which Prof. was a party. It was my privilege to lead Prof in evidence. He was a confident and delightful witness. The trips by road with Prof. to Ilorin, Kwara State, to attend Court Proceedings in the case were exciting and devoid of stress.

Prof.’s Chambers at 11, Maye Street is a walking distance from ours (Bayo Osipitan & Co.) I could look out from our office for Prof’s Car, in order to ascertain if he was in Chambers. If he was, I frequently walked down to his Chambers, solely to pay him homage. When he needed to see me, he either phoned or sent his amiable daughter, Ibilola with a request that I should see him. It was always my pleasure, to walk down to his Chambers to honour his request(s). Our meetings, always ended, with his sincere prayers, that I will be blessed and more successful than him!

My pleasure of seeing Prof., physically ended unexpectedly on Saturday 13th June, 2015 at about 7:30 p.m., when, my phone rang and Ibilola broke the news of Prof.’s transition to eternal glory. The unexpected had happened! I did not entertain the thought, that Prof. would leave so soon. For a moment, I was speechless. I was deprived the opportunity of bidding Prof. farewell. But who am I to query the decision of God Almighty, to call Prof home, for a well deserved rest?

I am comforted by the fact that my earthly loss of Prof., is evidently a gain in Heaven. I am eternally grateful to God Almighty, for the opportunity afforded me, to have Prof. M.I. Jegede, SAN as my Teacher, Professor, Mentor and Benefactor. My very dear Prof., I definitely will miss those practical and wise counselling sessions of yours. Your guiding hands, the very sincere prayers for me and your infectious smile, I will sorely miss. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! and Thank you! May your heavenly journey be smooth. It is well with your kind soul. It is well with your precious wife, Aunty Remi. It is well with your wonderful children Dami, Modele, Ibi and Seye.

Now it is time for your well deserved peaceful rest, in the bossom of your creator.

ADIEU my dear Prof.!

