Kaduna CAN Chairman, SOKAPU describe El-Rufai’s Naira redesign broadcast as rebellious, treasonable

Kaduna State governor Nasir El-Rufai
The Chairman of Kaduna State Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Reverend Joseph Hayab, has described the broadcast by Governor Nasir el-Rufai, on the redesign of the Naira by the Federal Government as rebellion and an act of treason.
It would be recalled that the President, Muhammadu Buhari, last week, in a nationwide broadcast said that Nigerians were free to accept and transact business with the old N200, while the N500 and N1,000 notes were no longer accepted as legal tender.
However, in a state broadcast, el-Rufai urged the state citizens to continue to spend the old naira notes, saying that they are still valid as legal tender.

Hayab, who reacted to the governor’s statement, said: “El-rufai loves seeking attention and does not keep his friendship and humility for anybody for a long time.
“His broadcast to the people of Kaduna was as if Kaduna State has another Commander-in-Chief different from Buhari,” pointing out that “I believe knowledgeable people from Kaduna State know the difference between obeying the constitution from rebellion against constituted authority.”
Hayab said: “The CBN law is a federal law, not a state law. el-rufai and his few friends should not confuse citizens of their states with their rebellious approach to national matters.
“CAN will pray for our Supreme Court justices to be able to address this matter next week to bring to an end the needless controversy that those manipulating the currency redesigned saga are trying to take advantage of.”
Similarly, the Southern Kaduna Peoples Union (SOKAPU) condemned el-rufai and All Progressive Congress (APC) governors on their position over the naira redesign.

SOKAPU expressed its disappointment over the governor’s stance on the naira swap, saying el-Rufai sounded desperate in his broadcast, as he was unduly emotional, abusive, and spoke with a lot of braggadocios in the typical manner that has been his public engagement.

In a statement by the spokesman of SOKAPU, Luka Binniyat, the group condemned the allegation that there was a plot to stop the 2023 general election as well as institute an interim government.
Binniyat said: “It will therefore look like el-Rufai has declared himself a rebel. If this is not treason, then we need another definition of the word. The desperation of el-Rufai is not ordinary and we suggest that he should be investigated.
“His ranting and threats sounded populist and he wants to be taken as a sudden repentant tyrant who has suddenly become the champion of the oppressed. SOKAPU cannot be fooled by such theatrics and dubious show of concern by a man whose morbid hate for Southern Kaduna in words and actions is already well documented for generations to study.”
el-Rufai, who has attained notoriety for snubbing and disrespecting court rulings that order him to stop certain wicked actions against citizens of the state, does not have the moral qualification to go before any court of law to champion anything on behalf of the same people who are still under the jackboot of his suppressive policies.


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