Kano gov inaugurates panel to probe political violence, misappropriation

Kano State governor Abba Yusuf

Distributes 4th round of palliatives to 224,440 households
Governor Abba Yusuf of Kano State has inaugurated two judicial commissions of inquiry into cases of misappropriation of public property, political violence and missing persons between 2015 and 2023. He has also begun distribution of the fourth round of 25kg bags of rice to 224,440 households in the state. 
Inaugurating the commissions on Thursday, Governor Yusuf vowed to bring anyone found wanting to book.  In a statement issued by the Director General, Media and Publicity, Government House, Sanusi Tofa, the governor noted that investigating the misappropriation of a public asset, as well as unravelling and prosecuting those behind cases of political violence, was part of his inaugural pledge when he assumed power.
He said, “Political violence is a major setback to democracy worldwide. It leads to loss of lives and property as well as mistrust on the part of the people and those in power. 
“The disturbing cases of political killings, especially in 2023, must not be swept under the carpet. This is to ensure we prevent future occurrence.”
The first commission under Justice Zuwaira Yusuf will investigate cases of political violence and missing persons from 2015 to 2023.
The governor added, “We expect them to unravel the criminal network involved and unmask the sponsors to face justice; find its root and find out where violence is associated with 2015, 2019 and 2013 polls.”
To the second commission under Justice Faruk Lawan, he gave the mandate of inquiry into cases of misappropriation of public assets.He charged Justice Lawan and his team not to relent in identifying cases of misappropriation of public assets, especially by the last administration, within and outside the state.
Emphasising that the move was neither political nor targeted at any individual, but with the mandate of the Kano people, he charged the commissions not to compromise their stands but to remain faithful to their oath and the people of Kano and ensure justice for the state. 
He added, “We went through your records and could not find any of you wanting. We believe in you, and we expect your full reports in three months.”
DISTRIBUTION of the palliatives was part of an ongoing mission to alleviate the economic struggles faced by the populace and embody the spirit of Ramadan.
Yusuf, while commencing the distribution at the Tiamin Rice factory on Zaria Road, said the gesture was aimed at aiding the less fortunate members of society grappling with the sharp rise in commodity prices.

“The provision of these palliatives aligns with the imperative for governmental intervention to support the underprivileged and other vulnerable groups in the state, particularly during the sacred month of Ramadan,” stated the governor.
He noted that over the past 10 months, his administration had implemented four rounds of palliative measures to alleviate the burdens faced by citizens, successfully distributing three batches of various relief packages across the state.


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