Katsina: 40 persons feared dead in bandits’ attacks


In the last three days, daredevil terrorists have killed no fewer than 41 persons and injured scores of others in a chain of attacks on several communities in Safana Local Council of Katsina State.

The attacks reportedly began on Tuesday night, continued on Wednesday and Thursday night in more than 15 communities in the council.

During the attacks, several homes were set ablaze, while the terrorists carted away valuables, including phones, money, clothes, and grains.
It was also gathered that many residents were abducted and taken into the forest, even as scores of animals were rustled in the process.

Some of the communities that were attacked by the armed hoodlums included Kunamawar Mai Awaki, Kunamawar Yargadu, Unguwar Ido, Kanviri, Rimi, Tashar Maigoro, Saburu, Unguwar Bera, Dogon Ruwa, Tashar Kawai, Mai zurfi, among others.

According to sources, some of the communities that were attacked on Tuesday and Wednesday, were revisited and plundered by the terrorists on Thursday night, which might have led to increase in the death toll.

He said due to nature of the attacks, scores of residents from at least 13 affected communities have fled their homes for the headquarters of the local council, or other safer environment.

He added that some residents, who had tried to retrieve the bodies of their ones were prevented by the terrorists who hid behind nearby bushes.

Meanwhile, youths in the council have staged peaceful protests to express their anger over these incessant attacks. They are calling, with call on government to rescue them from incessant attacks by terrorists.

According to another source, the youths lamented that their loved ones were being killed or abducted on a frequent basis, and that they were not able to go to farm due to fear of becoming victims.

Safana is among the seven frontline local councils of the state that is affected by security challenges.

Hundreds of people have lost their lives, been maimed, or kidnapped, hundreds of thousands of animals rustled by terrorists since the security situation began over a decade ago.

Spokesperson for the police command in the state, ASP Abubakar Aliyu was yet to respond to inquiry on the issue as at time of filing this report.


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