Kogi denies plans to reduce workforce

map-kogiKOGI State Government has denied reports it plans to downsize its workforce in spite of the huge wage bills and dwindling resources accruing to it.

State Head of Service (HOS), Dr. Moses Atakpa, who disclosed this in Lokoja while addressing newsmen to mark his four years in office, said the government would not contemplate such move.
Atakpa said that government had never contemplated reduction of workers as a possible step to enable it to cope with the astronomical wage bill.

He said any information in that regard was “mere speculation’’. Currently, we are more interested in strengthening the civil service as the mechanism charged with implementing government policies, to ensure quality manpower that will take the state to the next stage of development and provide quality service for Kogi people.

“We have seen a lot of stability and the government has been able to keep the workforce in better state of mind; the Transformation Agenda of the present administration is on course.

Meanwhile, General Overseer of Liberation City, a christian church ministry based in Lagos, Dr. Chris Okafor in Lokoja just before his crusade at the Lokoja Township Stadium expressed confidence that President Muhammadu Buhari will restore Nigeria back to the path of prosperity.

Pastor Okafor described the emergence of Buhari as divinely ordained.

The pastor said what Nigerians actually need to do for their leaders is not only to advice them but also to pray for them. In his words, “Remember before the coming of President Muhammadu Buhari it was not something everyone expected but this was what had come by revelation, God reveals everything before they happen.

“What we have to do is not to criticize him or to nail him. God is going to use him to turn Nigeria around and Nigeria will be restored to its lost glory.

He said it is not whether he is a Muslim or a Christian but God can choose to use anyone to fulfill his mission and his assignment on earth.

He advised Buhari to keep on being selfless in his service to the nation and to go about it without fear or favor of anyone.

Continuing he said by so doing the mandate God has given to him would have been accomplished.
He said the problem with Nigeria is not about men of God not praying enough but about the foundation.

“The foundation is wrong. The Bible says if the foundation should be destroyed what shall the righteous do? The Nigeria foundation is wrong and we need collective prayer to turn the foundation around, and until the foundation is turned around nothing that comes on it that will stand. “Remember the foundation of the building determines what comes on the building. You will discover that today a lot of buildings are collapsing here and there and why are they collapsing because the foundation of the building will not stand the test of time.”

The HOS continued that, “In terms of logistics provision, the Governor, Idris Wada has been very upright. He is highly committed to workers’ welfare and he is up-to-date in terms of salary payment with exception of July, which is expected to be paid any moment from now.

“Clearly, we are far ahead of other states in the payment of salaries and what we want to do is to consolidate and meet other obligations so as to get the best from the workers,’’ he said.

“Like we are talking about payment of salaries, the government is not finding it easy; the pressure is there and efforts are being made to contain the pressure. We must thank God for the stability of the process and we are moving forward.”
The HOS, who assumed office in August 2011 under former Gov. Ibrahim Idris, described his four years in office as “pleasant though

