La Campagne Boutique Homes Debuts With Premium Facilities

La CampagneLUXURY boutique homes are not familiar in the Nigerian hospitality market except for luxury boutique hotels. However, the market has just welcomed its debutant luxury boutique homes and it has to be in the oil rich Niger Delta. Port Harcourt, the Garden City and capital of Rivers State is proudly the first city to play host to this new brand of luxury services.

It is the Bristow Estate located in Elelewo area of the city, which is now branded as La Campagne Boutique Homes under the management of La Campagne Beach Tropicana Resort in Ikegun Village (Inclusive of La Campagne Club in Ikeja). It is noted as an African themed resort and celebrated by the world for its rich blend of sophisticated facilities and a touch of African tones underlining the resort, which seats atop a sprawling natural enclave and nestled against the Atlantic Ocean.

Walking into the premises of the four bedroom home, which was promoted as the poster home on the fateful night of the opening ceremony, you are totally serenaded by almost the same rich artistic and aesthetic ambience as well as the overwhelming signature aura of La Campagne.

Perhaps the only difference on this night was the fact that here is a mini – La Campagne uprooted from its natural enclave and planted soul and body in a somewhat plastic environment. Although you can still see a tinge of nature as represented by the well-kept garden with its beautiful outlay and trees swaying to the rhythm of nature.

Interestingly, here you would never be denied the creative and unique offerings that La Campagne locations are noted for as these luxuriating boutique homes would among others feature a rich blend of entertainment ranging from music, dance and drama while you can also savour a rich dose of bonding exercises.

It is also a home for corporate getaway, honeymooners, lovebirds, conferences, lectures, seminars and workshops as well private weddings and unique events. But beyond that, it is a home for the family and individuals seeking home away from home because of its homely aura.

Those who loath the hotel environment will certainly feel welcomed, safe and secured here because your privacy is guaranteed as you are far away from the motley crowd and preening eyes.

Also included in the bargain is a private membership club while users of La Campagne Beach Tropicana Resort are welcomed to the homes while in Port Harcourt and vice versa. You couldn’t have wished for more and they all come at a premium rate, which is quite affordable given the exclusive princely treats.

Private facilities
The four bedroom poster home has two living rooms, one downstairs and one located upstairs. Both are lavishly fitted and furnished with a rich taste of opulence. There is an entertainment centre (music and video), a flat screen TV, snooker board, dining, and a private bar, art works ranging from paintings, sculpture and bronze lining the wall and available space and guest toilet while the bedrooms are fittingly furnished with comfy bed, flat screen TV, work desk and chair, and a cushion among others. The master bedroom has a private balcony upstairs.

Then there is also a lush garden with canopied sit – out and a bar section while it can host private parties and outdoor games such as badminton, card games, monopoly, scramble, table tennis, ludo, ayo, dart and board games as well as cycling among others.

Also, each home enjoys a wholly furnished kitchenette with the services of a chef, butler, housekeeper, laundry and a chauffeur driven luxury car.

