Like Zulu king, like Oba of Lagos

SIR: The recent xenophobic attacks in South Africa, which were reportedly fueled by comments on foreign workers by the King of Zulu, Goodwill Zwelithini; could be likened to the tirade by Oba Rilwanu Akiolu which almost tore Lagos along ethnic lines.

The two revered monarchs ought to be circumspect, knowing fully well that their actions or inactions could go a long way in either fostering peaceful co-existence or breed disharmony among citizens and residents alike

It, however, took maturity on the part of concerned Lagos leaders to nip in the bud any untoward circumstances, unlike the South African experience, which led to loss of lives and properties.

Need it be said, and very clear too, to the Zulu king and his citizens that as long as the earth remains, people would always immigrate for greener pastures and new opportunities.

Nigeria must be respected by the South African government for the role she played in freeing the country from apartheid besides the huge market she provides for key South African companies like MTN, Multi-choice, among others.

• Eniola Daniel, Lagos



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