Looking for the one to use in times like this – Part 3

Stephen Wolemonwu

In Times Like This In Your Society
In the last days, perilous times shall come and men will be lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy (2 Timothy 3:1-2). In times like this, when those asked to lead us are now destroying our future, we must be careful of those we elect or give the mandate to lead us. In times like this, when those who are supposed to mould the future of our youths are responsible for destroying it, we must be careful of who we allow to teach our youths. In times like this, when lecturers and teachers become dogs that eat the bone hung on their necks, we must be careful of who we entrust our children to.

In times like this, when there are killings and looting; we must ask God to deliver us from the hands of evil men. In times like this, when those who began in the spirit are ending in the flesh due to the cares of this world, we must learn to cast our cares on Jesus knowing that He cares for us. In times like this, when our elected officers convert public funds, we must be careful of who we handle public funds kept in our custody to because God will surely pay us back according to our works.

In times like this, when you cannot distinguish between a Christian and an unbeliever, those who know their God must be strong to shine as light amid darkness. In times like this, when our roads have become shortcuts to grave, we must be prayerful and careful as we drive and travel on daily bases. In times like this, when there are security threats here and there; our security officers must be awakened to their responsibilities knowing that the next victim could be their brother, sister, mother, father, children, wife or a relative. In times like this, when our security personnel love money more than life, we must all be on our guard. In times like this, when our leaders are hunted by law enforcement agencies immediately they leave office without justice, everyone must be careful of how they steal public funds because if you do escape the law, you will not escape from God and posterity.

In Times Like This In Your Life
Life is but a vapour, it vanishes. In times like this, when the old lives and the young dies, we must learn to make positive use of our time. In times like this, when your best friend could be the one to sell you out, you must be careful of who you tell your secrets. In times like this, when there are so many heartbreaks, you must be careful of whom you give your heart. In times this, when people do not value the sanctity of life, we must be careful of who we go out with and where we go with them.

In times like this, when people love money more than good names, you must be careful of how you love money and watch your friend’s love for money. In times like this, when people want to use us and dump, we must be careful of who we give access our lives. In times like this, when covetousness is the king of the universe, you must be careful of playing into the hands of its servants. In times like this, when people are only interested in making more money at the expense of good name, we must be careful because good name is better than wealth.

In times like this, when so many people have given up on themselves, we must be careful to note that you alone can stop yourself. In times like this, when many people are failing, you must realise that failure is only in the mind. In times like this, when others are making it, you must believe in yourself. If others can make it, you can make it through Jesus Christ that empowers you. In times like this, when people die on daily bases, you must live every day for God. In times like this, when our morgues are full of dead bodies we must know that life is nothing.

In times like this, when the devil is stealing people’s destiny, we need a saviour. In times like this, when betrayal is the order of the day, we must ask for the leading of the Holy Spirit. In times like this, when what you have does not actually count, you must put Jesus Christ first in your life.

In Times Like This In Your Responsibility
To every one of us, God has given us a responsibility and to Him we are accountable to. In times like this, when there are so many leaders, yet there is need for leaders, you must be a pace setter in your leadership position. In times like this, when you are given responsibilities not because you are the best, we must do well to bring out our best in our God-given responsibility. In times like this, when you do not know what tomorrow will bring, whatever your hands find to do, do it with all might.

In times like this, when people suffer and accumulate wealth only to die leaving it to some people that might not manage it well, we must do things that people will remember us for. In times like this, when there are global crises, allow Jesus Christ to guide you all the way.


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