Ministry And Gifts Of The Spirit (1)


MEMORY VERSE: Ephesians 4:11 – And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;

Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-13

INTRODUCTION: The Holy Spirit gives gifts to men and women that have been born of the Spirit. These gifts are clearly designated and classified. They are indicative of a believer’s calling and purpose. They are clearly identifiable. They are necessary for service, 1 Cor.12: 28; Eph.4: 11; Acts 13:2; Heb.5: 4.

The Fivefold Ministering Offices:
The fivefold ministry is well recognised in the general biblical doctrine. They are Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. Each is a spiritual office for service with definite functions and attributes. By the way, the “Deliverance Ministry” and “Prosperity Ministry” and many other well-known coinages are not part of the fivefold recognised ministry gifts. Every call to ministry falls into one of the five main classes mentioned above. One could argue that there are five different kinds of ministers of God, Acts 15:33; Heb.1: 1; Acts 3:21; Acts 21:8; Jer.3: 15, 23:1-2; Acts 13:1.

Gifts Of The Holy Spirit:
There are nine spiritual gifts, all of which are from the Holy Spirit. They are not natural abilities. They are given to equip each believer for service and to confirm the word of God. Every believer has a place chosen for him or her by the Holy Spirit in the Kingdom of God. The gifts are meant to equip him or her for service. No spiritual gift is more important than the other. You can have as many as the Holy Spirit is willing to give you. These gifts are 1. Word of wisdom, 2. Word of knowledge, 3. Faith, 4. Gift of healings, 5. Working of miracles, 6. Prophecy, 7. Discerning of spirits, 8. Diverse kinds of tongues and 9. Interpretation of tongues, 1 Cor. 12:8-10; 1 Cor. 1: 4-7; Rom.1: 11; Rom.12: 3-8, Mk. 16:17; Jn.14: 12; Heb.2: 3-4

Since all gifts of the Spirit are from the same source, they are all inter-related. Yet, there are some special gifts, which are synonymous to the ones stated above but are sometimes described as special gifts e.g. administration, helps. You too must aspire to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The ministering offices and the gifts of the Holy Spirit are obtained by grace and not by works. However, character, self-discipline, and temperament will make a difference. You’ll excel in Jesus’ name

