Niger State Government takes power stations to court over unpaid N136 billion ground rent

Kainji Jebba Hydro plant

The Niger state government has sued three power stations and their operators in the Federal High Court in Minna demanding the payment of outstanding ground rent charges of N136, 696, 127, 200 from 2017 to 2022.

In two separate writ of summon, the Niger State Revenue Service is listed as the plaintiff while Shiroro Hydro Electric Plc, North South Power Company Ltd, Kainji Hydro Electric Plc, Mainstream Energy Solutions are listed as defendants. Other defendants are the Federal Ministry of Power and the Nigeria Electricity Liability Management Company.

According to the statement of claim, the state government is demanding N111, 725, 207, 100 ground rent payment from Kainji Hydro Electric Plc and N21, 970, 920, 100 from Shiroro Hydro Electric Plc.

The plaintiff also prayed the court for “an order directing the defendants to pay to the plaintiff an interest on the judgement sum at the rate of 10 percent per annum till same is liquidated”.

The plaintiff is also seeking an order of the court directing the defendants to pay to cost of litigation as it may be assessed by the court.

The presiding Judge of Federal High Court 2 Minna, Justice Abdullahi Muhammad Dan-Ige has adjourned the matter to February 19, 2024 to enable service on some defendants.

Speaking in an interview with journalists, counsels to Niger State government in the two separate cases, Mohammed Ndayako, SAN, and Aliyu Lemu, SAN, explained that their client is in court to recover the debts. However, counsel to one of the defendants Mainstream Energy Solutions Plc, Tarna J Yaji insisted that the plaintiff is not entitled to any payment.


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