Nigeria can earn huge forex training cybersecurity professionals, says expert

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An information and technology expert, Omowunmi Oyetinbo, has urged the Nigerian government to invest in cybersecurity professionals and export to other countries for economic gains.

Oyetinbo who is the Head Operations of Wellspring Consulting firm made this call on Tuesday, urging private organisations and individuals to partner with establishments focusing on cyberspace security.

He said that Wellspring as a consulting outfit has been working with others to invest more in the training of the Nation’s youth as cyber security professionals.

She described cybersecurity as the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks, and said Nigeria faces a critical shortage of cybersecurity professionals while there is high demand for the profession globally.

She assured that any investment or training in cybersecurity would yield bountifully for Nigeria.

“The consulting firm is well grounded in training cybersecurity professionals which would open doors to endless career possibilities in the ever-evolving tech industry, both locally and globally.

“Wellspring Consulting is set to partner with various organisations to sponsor young Nigerians, especially young women in cybersecurity.

“The firm offers training and free global certification with a globally ranked IT security organisation.”

