Nigeria Will Surely Regain Its Past Glory If Jonathan Wins

Dr. Ukpebor JP, is a community leader and the president of Edo State Herbal Medicine Practitioners in Lagos. Recently, his team of traditional medicine practitioners prayed for the country, in which they said president Goodluck Jonathan will be returned again as president. He spoke with OMIKO AWA on the election and other issues.

What did you see with the coming elections?

President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan will come back as president; in fact there is no vacancy in the presidency. Jonathan is godsend; God wants him to be there. He is like the late General Murtala Muhammad, who is also a godsend, though the devil cut short his life. Jonathan has the vision and tenacity to lead Nigeria out of the dungeon. People may try to pull him down because he is quiet and not the shouting type, they will never succeed because God has a hand in his administration. Though, some people say his administration is corrupt and are calling for a change. But if the truth must be told, take a close look at those accusing him of one thing or the other and you will discover that the change they are really calling for is a change for their personal interests; to enrich themselves. Take a look at Jonathan’s transformation agenda, you will see that it has opened up the rural areas, construct network of roads and even improved on agriculture by making farmers to have direct access to fertilizer, cutting off the middlemen, which was not the case before.

Jonathan is really touching the lives of the grassroots people and he will return as president.

Are you speaking as a community leader or as a white wizard?

I am not talking spiritual, but physically; what we are seeing on ground is convincing enough. Before now, we thought Heads of State are big masquerades that must not be seen in public, but Jonathan has proved us all wrong. He is ready to visit you or allow you to rain insults or castigate him without using the state secret squad to silent you. Were he to be like any other Head of State, perhaps many Nigerians would be roasting in jail that is, if they are not killed underground. Jonathan understands the meaning of democracy and he is playing according to the rules.

The white witches and wizards said the Chibok girls will return before 2014 ran out, but it’s past 330 days, yet they are no where in sight, will these girls ever return?

We did not have the backing of the law to do what that will make them return. Government did not give us the go ahead order, so we just have to relax and watch the happenings like any other Nigerian. However, the little effort we put in made termites and the elements of nature to be against them and they ran out of the bush; that was the reason some members of Boko Haram were caught. Government has ignored us, but they keep on going from one praying house to the other without coming to us. They fail to realise that we are the backbone of most Pentecostal Churches and praying houses they are visiting. It is only the Reverend Fathers and the Angelica Bishops that I can say do not come to us.

Will these girls ever come return?

Yes, they will, especially with the outstanding gallantry of our soldiers. However, the girls will not come in their real numbers, as some of them are already dead, while a few will be coming back as mothers. This is what the traditional leaders saw in our shrine. We do pray for them, and they will surely come back.

Will there be a time insurgency will go away from Nigeria?

No, it will never go. People have seen the usefulness of using force to get whatever they want and as such will continue to use it. Boko Haram goes beyond political, it cuts across all facet of life and to worsen the situation, they are faceless. They won’t come out for negotiation like the Niger Delta militants.

How would you assess the coming elections?

It is going to be peaceful; so far, Jega is allowed to conduct it. It is unfortunate that some INEC officials are colluding with some community leaders to deny some people their Permanent Voter Cards (PVCs). And in some communities some political parties are buying PVCs for N8000 to 10000, which is also not proper. However, the people doing all these are acting on ignorance because their acts will not stop the party the gods have said will win from wining.

Do you see Jonathan changing the election date?

No and if he does the heavens will not fall, but I must assure you that if you change the election date, you cannot change the swearing in date. The issue is, there is going to be a fair and free election.

Will Nigeria ever regain its glory?

Nigeria is a blessed country, if our leaders do who is right the glory will surely come back; if they allow the man anointed to rule Nigeria to rule, things with be all right and our glory will be restored. Nigeria will surely regain its past glory if Jonathan wins. Most opposition parties in the country are noisemakers, they do not proffer solutions. Let them allow peace to reign and not use thugs to intimidate the people they assume as opposition; the issue remains that we cannot all be in one political party.

What is your idea of implementing the outcome of the confab?

You see what I mean, no president has thought it fit to organise a confab, except Jonathan. He did not just organise it, but has promised to implement the outcomes, which to a greater extent will redefine the Nigerian State by placing each region where they should be. The Confab resolutions will help the regions to develop and the grassroots to have the real impact of government.

