No student died during CBT examination — FUOYE


The Federal University Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE), yesterday, debunked the rumour making the rounds on some social media platforms that a student died on Thursday during the Computer-based Test (CBT) Examination on its campus. 

The university said the alleged death rumour was unfounded and a figment of the imagination of the purveyor of the news.  However, the management also postponed the CBT examination by one week to address issues raised by students and other stakeholders concerning the conduct of the examination. 

A statement by the Office of the Registrar, Mr. Mufutau Ibrahim, said that the University Management noted the issues that have arisen in the course of administering the CBT.

“Issues have been raised by the Students Union concerning the conduct of the examinations, which border on the fact that some students are yet to be examined.

“Students had been duly informed that the CBT examination had been cancelled for Thursday, March 30, 2023 to accommodate the JAMB Mock UTME as scheduled.

“It is unfortunate that students still troop in large numbers to the university’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Centre, which almost resulted in a mob action. 

“To this end, all CBT Examinations have been postponed for one week, as an immediate and interim measure. For the avoidance of doubt, all pen-on-paper First Semester Examinations would go on as scheduled, please. 

“It is worthy of note that the Vice-Chancellor and his Management Team were physically present at the ICT Centre to address the matters as they arose. Thankfully, no casualty was recorded as the Vice-Chancellor and the Management Team as well as the University Health Centre personnel were fully available to handle emergencies.”


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