NSCDC boss tasks personnel on securing schools

Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC)

The Commandant-General of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), Dr Ahmed Abubakar Audi, yesterday, tasked its officers on the need to promote a professional mandate to protect schools in Nigeria.

Audi, gave the advice in Abuja, during the opening session of the capacity building courses for safe schools administration and managers. He explained that the project aimed at protecting schools, learners, teachers, non–teaching staff and host communities from attacks.

“The whole world is now looking upon the Corps and Nigeria as a nation on how effective coordination of responses to school attacks and violence could be achieved. I Therefore charge all course participants who have been carefully selected to be committed and dedicated to the success of this project.

“It is worthy of mention that the National Safe Schools Response Coordination Centre (NSSRCC) is one of the critical components of the implementation strategy saddled with the responsibility of coordinating Safety and security responses for schools and host communities in collaboration with all security agencies and other relevant stakeholders.”

On paper presentation title, ‘Understanding Threats to Schools. Proactive Intelligence and Security Measures’, Director, Education Support Services Department in the Federal Ministry of Education, Mrs Gigginna Lydia, said that promoting safe schools in Nigeria is all security measures.

She said: “It is expected that when threats have been identified in a school, the relevant officers who are equipped with proactive intelligence would be required to act to prevent the materialization of the identified threat.

“It is this preventive action that is known as a security measure (SM). SM, therefore, is a precaution taken to safeguard an entity, person or to ward off impending danger, damage and injury.”


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