NYSC hits 35 members with service extension, repeat in Bayelsa

[files] NYSC Corps members. PHOTO:NAN

Thirty-five members of the National Youths Service Corps (NYSC), mobilised for the 2023 Batch A, Stream II service year in Bayelsa, have been sanctioned by the Corps for various offences against the service code.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that 21 corps members, who committed various offences, had their service year extended, while 14 would repeat the service.

Mrs Obiageli Okpalifo, State Coordinator of NYSC, told NAN on Sunday in Yenagoa that 1,075 Corps members passed out successfully and were issued their certificates of national service.

Okpalifo congratulated corps members who successfully completed the service and commended them for their immeasurable contributions to the state.

She also commended the employers and traditional rulers of various host communities for providing a conducive environment for corps members to serve the nation.

She particularly appreciated Gov Douye Diri for his welfare packages and for ensuring the safety of corps members.

According to her, corps members that distinguished themselves during the service year were rewarded with certificates of commendation.

She commended corps members that took advantage of the Skills Acquisition and Entrepreneurship Development Training Programmes to prepare for the challenge of survival after the service year.

“Many of them focused on being self-reliant and shall soon become employers of labour. I find this commendable,” she said.

Okpalifo acknowledged the efforts of NYSC staff who mentored, supervised and monitored the corps members in their various places of primary and secondary assignments, saying that their commitment ensured the success recorded.


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