Obey the will of Allah, Amir Ahmadiyya charges Nigerians

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Nigeria has urged Nigerians to obey the will of Almighty Allah in all respects.

The group called on the government to approach governance with act of sacrifice. Noting that, in an economy where income is not sufficient to cover operating expenses, it will not be too much if all the political leaders in government offer free services without salaries or allowances.

“This is because, they are already well to do and it will be an act of sacrifice on their part is they can contribute to national economic recovery.

“ It also the submission of the Ahmadiyya leader that the government should pay more attention to the security of the people, economic emancipation and elimination of the endemic corruption as well as desist from interest-based loans so as to avoid war with Allah.”

In the group’s 2021 Eid ul Adha (sallah) message, the leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Nigeria, Alhaji Barrister Alatoye Folorunso Azeez, said obedience to the will of Allah must manifest in avoidance of greed, stinginess and miserliness in rendering genuine services to humanity.

Quoting from the Holy Quran Suratul Maida, Chapter 5 verse 28, the head of Ahmadiyya said, “ Without spirit of respect, spirit of obedience would not work. Without spirit of humility, neither spirit of respect nor obedience will work. And without spirit of righteousness or godliness, one cannot be humble. These are essential components of sacrifice.”

While noting that the general economic hardship in the country has deprived many Muslims of ability to kill a ram, Barrister Alatoye reminded those who can afford to sacrifice, remember the significance of doing so, as stated in chapter 22:38 of the Holy Qur’an: Their flesh reaches not Allah, nor does their blood, but it is your righteousness that reaches Him. Thus has He subjected them to you, that you may glorify Allah for His guiding you. And give glad tidings to those who do good.”

Accordingly, the ram should be shared into three, one part for eating, one neighbours and one part to the needy,

Harping on necessity of attainment of righteousness by every Muslim as stated in the Holy Quran , Alhaji Alatoye make reference to the fear of Allah Taqwa as espoused by the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Promised Messiah. According to him,’ we should love Allah as if we have died in His way. Just as we slaughter animals, we should consider ourselves slaughtered in the way of Allah. When anyone’s Taqwa is less than this, then it is not a sufficient level of Taqwa.”

He equally admonish the media to report the true message of Islam, while the government allows freedom of expression and allows the existing laws to deal with purveyors of fake news.

The current World-wide Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in His Message of Eid-ul Adha, Hasrat Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih the fifth, said “It is a reminder that one should sacrifice oneself for a greater good. This greater good that a Muslim should always be ready to sacrifice oneself for is the Almighty God, by way of sacrificing their time, wealth, honour and life.”

He further said “Understanding the true spirit of sacrifice is even more important in this day and age where some nations are usurping the rights of others; where the blood of human beings is being wasted for minor worldly goals.

“ Eid-ul-Adha is an occasion on which Muslims everywhere are encouraged to renew their commitment to make every kind of sacrifice for the spiritual, moral, social, and economic uplift of mankind. It also commemorates the obedience of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) and his son Hazrat Ismail (as) to the commandment of Allah. Hazrat Ibrahim (as) had a series of dreams in which he saw himself sacrificing his eldest son Ismail.”


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