Obi, Soludo celebrate Anyaoku at 90

The Labour Party presidential candidate, Peter Obi, has eulogised the former Secretary-General of the Commonwealth of Nations, Emeka Anyaoku, on his 90th birthday.

Obi, who, in a statement, described Anyaoku’s 90th birthday as a landmark, said it was a joyful moment to join his family, well wishers, as well as national and international friends in celebrating Anyoku’s 90th birthday, yesterday.

Obi said: “I recall with joy your long period of service to Nigeria and the international community, which you discharged with highest level of commitment and patriotism.”

Similarly, the Governor of Anambra State, Prof. Chukwuma Soludo, also congratulated Anyaoku, yesterday.

In his congratulatory message in Awka, yesterday, Soludo described Anyaoku as an astute and experienced diplomat, who has demonstrated immense capacity to duty with outstanding achievements worthy of commendation.

The message signed by Soludo’s Chief Press Secretary, Christian Aburime, reads: “Attaining the age of 90 is worthy of celebration and deserving of immense gratitude to God Almighty for His grace and protection.”

“Anyaoku has remained a reliable and dutiful man, who has meritoriously served at the global stage, the nation and his immediate community.”


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