Ogbadu, Onogu illuminate societal challenges through transformative stage plays

In groundbreaking collaborations, with aims of exposing the intricacies of societal challenges and starting up a debate that goes far beyond the stage. Award-winning Creative Artist DavidFnycountry Austine Ogbadu and Art and Creative Director Valentine Onogu have pioneered a transformative influence on society through their compelling stage plays. Ogbadu, renowned for his many artistic creations joined forces for “Dear Immigrants” and “Locked Up,” with Onogu, who not only designed the sets but also directed both plays staged at Kingsway Campus, UK.

Dear Immigrants, the first play, sheds light on the overlooked consequences of immigrating without proper planning. Through engaging dialogues featuring characters like Obaje, Ufedo, Land Lady, and David, the play educates and sparks informative discussions. Ogbadu provides valuable insights for international students, including bringing indigenous foodstuff, communicating challenges with the school, deferring admission when necessary, and securing accommodation from legitimate sites before arrival.

Alongside Davidfnycountry Austine Ogbadu’s unique storytelling style, Valentine Onogu’s direction and set design become the visual language that enhances the narrative impact of the play, beautifully bringing to light its themes.

Locked up, on the other hand, meticulously expatiates the various facets of the justice system. Using characters like The Narrator, 1111, 507, 607. Ogbadu questions the essence of justice itself.

With the use of costumes, and under the guidance of her Director and Scenic designer, Valentine Onogu. “Locked up,” is well executed, Leaving her audience with themes of morality, corruption, the power dynamic between individuals and institutions, the impact of societal norms on justice, the consequences of flawed legal processes and, a profound reflection on these societal issues.

The collaboration between Davidfnycountry Austine Ogbadu and Valentine Onogu in these works is a symbiotic dance that breathes life into the power of the arts on stage. Together, they navigate the intricate tapestry of words and vision, merging creative energies to interpret, innovate, and seamlessly translate these narratives into a captivating visual and emotional experiences for the audience. This dynamic partnership, characterized by shared visions, open communication, and mutual respect, transformed the scripted words into a living, breathing work of art, showcasing the transformative potential of collaborative storytelling.

And this is why, recognizing and celebrating the arts indispensable role in creating awareness and building a mire empathetic society cannot be overlooked.

Ogbadu and Onogu through their collaboration serve as a reference point that the arts does not just entertain but serves as vital tool for societal transformation.

