Ogiame Atuwatse III abolish ‘Omajaja’ among Itsekiris, as Iwere holds annual Praise Day

Ogiame Atuwatse IIIOgiame Atuwatse III, the Olu of Warri, weekend has abolished the Omajaja term from Itsekiris’s vocabulary owing what he described as it’s negative connotation over time.

He made the declaration in a Royal Proclamation in a statement he personally endorsed as the Kingdom roll out drums to celebrate the annual Praise day.

He noted the palace will no longer recognized or make reference to the term adding that every Itsekiris’s individual is freeborn.

“All Ìtsẹ̀kírìs are now to be referred to as Omiwere. The official palace approved symbol or logo for Omiwere will be the awerewere leaf. Those that wish to add something unique to represent them, are free to do so. The logo shall be worn with pride by all Omiwere.

Ogiame also added that the classification does not alter the law and manner of succession to the throne and stressed that one Ruling House, which is Ginuwa Ruling House, of which both Otonlaja & Otonlus belong.

He stated, “Today, we move to make further clarifications to our existing society. These clarifications are not to make one feel inferior or superior to the other, but simply to establish identity
and general order in our society.

“Ìtsẹ̀kírìs are Omajaja, this is not to say we should remove slave from freeborn, because slaves no longer exist in our society. Both the Prince and Princesses, and the children of the Chiefs are Ìtsẹ̀kírì children.

“Before now, they were all referred to as Omajaja. The term Omajaja, has come to take on a negative connotation overtime in our society. It is important to note that from today henceforth, I use my authority to abolish the word Omajaja from our vocabulary.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Itsekiri sons and daughters on Saturday converged at the Aghofen, Olu Palace church, Warri to give thanks to the Almighty God.

The soul lifting event called “Annual Praise Day” was convened by the Olu of Warri, Ogiame Atuwatse III.

The annual Praise and Thanksgiving day was a yearly event held by the Iwere Nation to give thanks to God for sustaining the Warri kingdom.

Different gospel artistes and praise group gave ministration at the well attended event.

Among the artistes were: Ada Gold, Felix Ekenguda, Dero Ofoluwafo, Katy Jakes, Ruke Gure, Blossom Mene and Mairo Ese.

Others were: the Iwere Praise Choir, Ogono for Jesus, Revelation Band and among others.

They took their time one after the other to offer ministration to the admiration of the worshippers.

The opening prayer was taking from the Book of Isaiah 65: 18-19 by Pastor Bawo Otone which was closely followed by worship ministration led by the Iwere Praise Choir.

The monarch, flanked by his wife (Olori Atuwatse 111) arrived the venue with an overwhelming admiration from his subjects.

Prayers were also offered for the king, Iwere Nation and Nigeria by Pastor Emmanuel Okotie and others.

In attendance were: the palace chiefs including Chief Brown Mene, Chief Rowland Oritsejafor, Mr Austin Uroye, member representing Warri South Constituency One at the Delta House of Assembly and among others.

The praise day came to a climax with a Thanksgiving at the King’s Dominion Church, Aghofen , Olu Palace, Warri, Delta State.


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